Institutional and Social Innovations in Irrigation Mediterranean Management
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Egypt France Italy Lebanon Morocco Spain

Italy   Italy

Autorità di Bacino Alto Adriatico .....Autorità di Bacino dei fiumi Isonzo, Tagliamento, Livenza, Piave, Brenta-Bacchiglione (ABAA)

The Autorità di Bacino Alto Adriatico's main activity is river basin planning, in accordance with article 17 of Italian State law no. 189 of 18 May 1989. This law states that the river basin plan has the validity of a territorial plan and is the instrument by which technical operations are programmed. Activities and norms have as their goals the conservation, defense and the evaluation of the land and the correct use of water, on the basis of the physical characteristics and climate of the territory. Studies are conducted with particular reference to mountain river basins, to high altitude torrents and to deep valley water courses. According to article 17 of Italian State law no.189 of 18 May 1989, the river basin plan has an immediately binding character for administrations and public agencies, as well as of private citizens. The general objective of the current plan is the management of water resources and their qualitative and quantitative protection.

.........Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)

The Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei is a non-profit, non-partisan institution established to carry out research in the field of sustainable development. Recognised by the President of the Italian Republic in July 1989, it has since become leading international research centre. One of its principal aims is to promote interaction between academic, industrial and public policy spheres in order to comprehensively address concerns about economic development and environmental degradation. The Foundation's activities are guided by four fundamental criteria: i) to analyse relevant and innovative research areas, ii) to focus on "real" world issues, iii) to integrate multi-disciplinary approaches, iv) to create and foster international research networks. FEEM also supplies technical support and advice to public and private decision-making process in the economic and environmental filed, at the national as well international level. The research unit involved in the ISIIMM Project intends to contribute to the knowledge of factors that influence demand and supply of water in the Mediterranean regions and of policies and management practices that increase efficiency in the use of water.

ISIIMM project national coordinator : Roberta CAMERA

EURO-MEDITERRANEAN Regional Programme for Local Water Management
ME8/AIDCO/2001/0515/59763-P 016
Agropolis, France